Retold x Camilla Hewitt


We invited travel and wellness writer Camilla Hewitt to tell us all about co-founding sustainable lifestyle magazine Well Curated. Join us as she shares insights into her transformative career, curating the magazine and defining moments with the incredible Kris Hallenga and Deepak Chopra.

Photography by Trisha Ward.


“Ultimately, our goal is to cultivate happiness”


Can you tell us a bit about your background before starting Well Curated?

I started my career in the fashion industry, working as a makeup artist. Around eight years ago I was given the opportunity to write for one of the publications I worked for, initially about health and beauty, but then wellness as it became more mainstream. I still work as a makeup artist occasionally; it’s a job I love, and actually, skin health is a part of wellbeing that I’m extremely passionate about.

What does sustainability mean to you? What inspired you to start a publication that focuses on a sustainable lifestyle?

I had been working in fashion for many years but when COVID hit it was the first time I’d paused to really evaluate what I was doing. I realised that there were certain aspects of the fashion and beauty industry that I didn’t like being a part of, thankfully that is changing now.

For me, sustainability is a responsibility that we all have to look after the environment that looks after us. In terms of fashion, if we all invested in well-made clothing we could significantly reduce the quantities that end up in landfill whilst also minimising the environmental effects of manufacturing. Along with fashion photographer Kate Davis-Macleod, we had the idea of starting a lifestyle publication that put a positive filter on not just fashion but also beauty, travel, nutrition and fitness in order to encourage healthier habits.


Can you tell us about the mission of Well Curated? What key messages do you aim to convey to your readers?

We are living in an extremely fast-paced, stressful time, but it doesn’t need to be that way. By creating a biannual print publication, we hoped to slow down the consumption of information and be mindful of the content we were putting out there. We hope our readers can make informed choices and really discern what aspects of wellbeing work for them.

Everything we do links back to longevity and sustainability, so instead of focusing on trends and quick fixes, we promote products and pursuits that stand the test of time.

What is your favourite part of curating the magazine?

Meeting our contributors has really changed the way I approach life for the better. Just one example is Kris Hallenga, the founder of CoppaFeel!, who passed away recently. Kris knew her time was precious, but she gave so much of it to others, including us. She knew how to celebrate life and wanted to share it; she built a community that not only saves lives but also cultivates so much joy.

Who would your ultimate dream cover guest be?

I recently met Deepak Chopra, who, like Kris, is changing the world around him. I would love to relay his message in our magazine. He believes we all have the power to upgrade our existence through simple, mindful practices. In his meditation, he asks the questions, Who am I? What is my purpose? What do I want? What am I grateful for? Asking myself those four questions was a game-changer for me.


How would you describe your summer style? What are your top three tips for building a sustainable summer wardrobe?

My style is very minimal; I love a simple cotton mini dress, which are so easy to find second-hand, then a vintage pair of denim shorts, a white tee and some good- quality swimwear. I used to make the mistake of investing in pieces that just weren’t me, wearing them once, and then taking them to the charity shop.

Your favourite vintage / second-hand summer piece in your wardrobe and why?

I have a pale blue midi skirt that I bought in a charity shop; the zip is just about to go, and I must get it repaired before it’s too late. It’s so easy to throw on, especially over a bikini; anything that works well over swimwear is a winner for me.

And finally - Where will you be heading this summer and any advice for navigating wellness whilst you travel?

I travel a lot with work, and actually, it’s the wellness element that makes the airports and aeroplanes worthwhile. Travelling has got me through a really tough period of my life by introducing me to new people and making me realise there is a world of possibilities out there. It’s very easy to feel trapped in your own problems, but as soon as you step out of them for a moment, your entire mindset can shift.

When you’re booking a trip, I don’t think the hotel or accommodation necessarily needs to have a wellness offering; just getting outdoors and exploring is enough. I’d like to head to the Dolomites; summer in the mountains is my ideal.


Photography: Trisha Ward. Shot at Studio Casso.

Many thanks to both Camilla and Trisha for giving their time and creativity so generously.


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